Stagecraft | Rachel Hibler Stagecraft | Rachel Hibler

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08/16/2021 08/20/2021

Schedule for the Week

Monday- EVEN
Tuesday- ODD
Wednesday- EVEN
Thursday- ODD
Friday- ALL

Tony Tuesday

Watch Rent clip

Read Tony Tuesday assignment, you can choose to complete it on this week’s choice. Or you can wait for another week. You may turn in the assignment any time during Semester 1. Only one response is required even if you are in two Theatre classes. DUE Wed Dec 16. NO EXCEPTIONS

Tony Tuesday response Download

Rachel Hibler

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1- Company Introduction

1- Rehearsal spaces
2- Syllabus, Contract
3- Handbook
4- Class and Company website

Stagecraft-syllabus Download

stagecraft-contract Download

Classroom-Rules-stagecraft Download

How-to-work Download

Handbook Download

2- Impact of Theater Design article

We will read an article together as a class. Students are expected to annotate as we read and write a response on the back. The article is due at the end of the period. Students will learn how to format all written responses.

Response question: What type of theater would you like to design for? Why?

3- Syllabus and Contract DUE Friday, Aug 20

Check the Stagecraft tab on the home page for more details. To turn in this assignment, place it in the black filer near the door in 91.

4- Research Introduction

Students will learn how to do script based design research