Written Response format requirements

Every written assignment you turn in MUST meet these requirements totaling 40 points of your final grade.



Theatre Basics Assignments

Check here for the downloadable documents for each assignment. You can click on the corresponding week on the calendar for each week’s work.

1- Actor Preparedness kit

Discuss base garment, stage makeup, stage directions


Actor Preparedness KitDownload

2- Unit: Slating

Create a google doc for slating unit. Label: Period/your name/Slating

Read article on slating, create a professional slate for performance using a title and author from a previous monologue. Perform in class.

How to Slate in an AuditionDownload

3- Tony Tuesday

Analysis 1 due: December 11 by 11:59 PM

Analysis 2 due: May 29 by 11:59 PM

Tony Tuesday response Download

4- Unit: Vocab

We will begin with Week 1 of the Hagen vocab words.

5- Unit: Uta Hagen Technique

We will read the articles about the life and method of Uta Hagen. Students will divide into groups and research two questions in her Method and create an interesting presentation for the class explaining their question.

Label: period/your name/Uta Hagen Method

share: rachel.hibler@therhsriders.com