Written Response format requirements

Every written assignment you turn in MUST meet these requirements totaling 40 points of your final grade. I reserve the right to not grade any assignment not meeting these requirements.



Theatre 1 Assignments

Check here for the downloadable documents for each assignment. You can click on the corresponding week on the calendar for each week’s work.



Article 1 Response

Vocab- quiz every 3 weeks

stage diagram

Vocab Week 1

Vocab Week 2

Vocab Week 3

Vocab Week 4

Vocab Week 5

Vocab Week 6

Vocab Week 7

Vocab Week 8

Vocab Week 9

Vocab Week 10


Parts of a Theater

Parts of a theatre glossary

Parts of Theater Assignment: write all the parts of a theater on the theater map.



How to Slate in an Audition

Slating Assignment: Create a professional slate to perform in class. Write your slate and blocking. 


Actor’s Toolkit

Actor Preparedness Kit


Theatre Etiquette

Toolkit Makeup Assignment: Draw two “normal” human faces and one old age face


Warm Ups


Warm Ups Assignment: Create your own 1-3 minute warm up routine. Must include verbal and physical warm ups.





Enunciation Assignment: Memorize a tongue twister, perform tongue twister. Tongue Twister must be 5-10 lines. Create a google doc for research and enunciation work. Code Tongue Twister for correct pronunciation.


Greek Theatre

history of greek theatre

Greek Assignment #1: Work on a scene from Medea together as a class. Code script and work on blocking using Greek methods of acting. 

Greek Assignment #2: Break into casts and work on a scene from Antigone using all Greek methods of acting.


Stanislavsky Method




Stanislavsky Assignment #1: Choose one part of the Stanislavsky Method to research and present in class.

Stanislavsky Assignment #2: Using the Method, work on Act 1 from You Can’t Take It With You.