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Stagecraft | Rachel Hibler
Stagecraft | Rachel Hibler
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Schedule for the Week
Tuesday- ODD
Wednesday- EVEN
Thursday- ODD
Friday- EVEN
Tony Tuesday
Watch Hairspray clip
Read Tony Tuesday assignment, you can choose to complete it on Hairspray or wait for another week
Stagecraft 1/2
1- Costume Design Statement
We will discuss how to write a design statement in class. Statements must meet response expectations.
Design Statement Requirements
1- Style: Times New Roman, 12 point, double spaced, spelling and grammar correct
2- Page format: name, date, period at top right, indent paragraphs, page numbers
3- Content: describe your design and your reasons for your choices. Tell the director your design and why
4- At least one full page is required. Each part of the costume design gets its own paragraph.
2- Costume Design Assignment
Meet as a crew
Research the play- you should know everything about the show and all costume changes/requirements
Maybe watch the movie to help you get the idea for the story or read the play
Crew Leads
Write WOP design statement
What is the date of the show? exact date please not general time period
What is the location of the show? exact location (city, state, country)
What is the general feel of your show? Are there colors designers must use? Colors they cannot use?
How accurate to the time period?
How much audience expectation will we honor?
Research character designs
Start a research document for each character
at least 3 reference pics for each costume element
each pic has an explanation