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Rachel Hibler
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One Act Callbacks Nick
One Act Callbacks Nick | Rachel Hibler
One Act Callbacks Nick | Rachel Hibler
Rachel Hibler
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One Act Callbacks Nick
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Callbacks for Nick’s show 4-5:30 in LT. Callbacks will be cold reads of sides. Sides currently available in the LT for early reading. Today is also a make up Callback day. Anyone who was unable to attend callbacks last week can read today
The Trysting Place
directed by Nick Sterling
Callbacks: March 28
Name Sides
Syd Galaviz 1, 2
Samantha Barajas 1
Jimmy Cosentino 1, 4
Jocelyn Murray 2, 4
Kira August 4
Lestat Barron 3, 4
Kamilla Albarran 2, 4
Daniel Mejia 1, 4
Amaya Blau 2, 3
Briana Hernandez 2
Alejandro Morales 1, 3, 4
Eliese August 1, 3
Robert Gomez 3
Lio Smith 1, 2
Charlotte Wiens 1
Annalise Dealba 2, 3
Tyler Delano 1, 4
Zoey Richart 3, 4
Emily Diaz 2, 4
Sophie Church 3, 4
Niko Ramos 3
Lexie Galvan 1, 2
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